Episodes continue daily. With a new episode everyday…
An Encounter with an Edel…
To this~in my life, Edels happen. I work in an environment where they play Muzak type music.
And it still amazes me how often, when talking to a coworker about a topic, the Muzak starts playing music featuring the said topic. I just joke…”The CIA is still listening,,,”
An Encounter with Petty, what Hoot! The Best @ drinking someone under the table…
I have added “CLiFF NOTES”
For this Story…Please Visit…
In this story, the a crow goes on an Oktoberfest
Beer Quest…
This story began , [Oktobeer 11, 2023]
Please Note: In this story, “BARSTOOL”
is misspelled…To a point.
Then it becomes a part of the art of the gag.
Please REFER to this Strip For:
“A-ah Cap…We have a problem…”
* “Petty”
Who is this Petty person? What’s the story?…
Please ReRead and Think About It…
* “Petty”
Who is this Petty person? What’s the story?…
By clicking on the Pictures, you can learn more about the viewing devices for your Entertainment pleasure…
Look For? !!! Audio. VIDEO. Streaming. Best of the West…
Entertain US…
Moongeeks Episodes continue daily. With a new episode everyday…
Ode to Ray…
A friend of mine whom is 95+/- years of age.
Who’s first deployment was to Korea on the last day of the war. Upon setting foot in Korea, he stepped on a land mine [which exploded].
His face was peeled back away from his head. Because of the Bitter Cold of the day, his flesh froze and the Surgens were able to save his face ~
Always Honor and Respect our (your) Veterans. They got US here…